is the industry leader providing the largest data centre of venue information to the UK MICE industry.

Founded in 1993 and with over 378,845 venues in 310 cities over 170 countries, offers the perfect solution for event planners to search, select and enquire with 200 criteria.

The venue data is shared and used by event planning agencies, corporate meeting planners and individuals to search for venues through its exclusive software, GRATIS. This powerful booking module allows users to enquire, book, track, invoice, report and make commission claims dynamically.

In 2015, complemented its portfolio of searching, booking and enquiry solutions with its newest product, Instant Book. This latest development enables venues to easily embed a widget onto their own website, allowing their clients to make small meeting bookings hassle free 24/7.


SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability Promise

At our sustainability ambitions are more than just ambitions, they are actions.

For us, having a sustainability strategy is just as important as having a strategy that is sustainable.

By this I mean, we are setting goals that are truly achievable, milestones that we can reach and make a part of our history, but more importantly, we are aware and accept that there will be changes along the way. Our ambitions today will be different next month and next year as we all learn and educate ourselves constantly on what we can do to preserve the delicate balance of this one great planet.

At every decision we make will always connect with the ambition of reducing our environmental impact.

We will question every behaviour 

When we buy stationery for the office, we must ask if we really need it, will it support our business. When we source our servers for our technology, are we working with responsible partners?

The response must be a sustainable action

What we can do by buying smartly or re-using rather than recycling. If our suppliers are impacting the planet, we must ensure they are putting something back to benefit us all. Ensure we implement carbon neutral policies in compliance with the Paris Agreement through real business changes and innovations, including enhanced efficiencies, renewable energy, materials reductions, and other carbon offsetting policies.

We will review and report our ambition consistently

Our ambition has to be better, smarter and have less environmental impact than last month and last year. We should measure and report environmental behaviour on a regular basis.

We must take into account every small decision in our sustainability journey; the butterfly effect really matters.